Master classes

Professor Mathias Fink (Institut Langevin, ESPCI Paris, CNRS)


Mathias Fink is the George Charpak Professor at the Ecole Supérieure de Physique et de Chimie Industrielles de la Ville de Paris (ESPCI Paris). He is member of the French Academy of Science. His area of research is concerned with the propagation of waves in complex media and the development of numerous instruments based on this basic research. 6 start-up companies with more than 300 employees have been created from his research (Echosens, Sensitive Object, Supersonic Imagine, Time Reversal Communications, Cardiawave and Greenerwave).


Professor Ross McPhedran (School of Physics, Sydney University)

The Spectrum and the Transport Properties of Composite Media


Ross McPhedran is an Emeritus Professor at the University of Sydney, a Fellow of the Australian Academy of Science and the Optical Society of America, the Institute of Physics UK and the Australian Institute of Physics and doctor honoris causa of Aix-Marseille University.He works on problems in mathematical physics and wave science. Notably, he has many contributions to the theory of composite materials, the theory of diffraction gratings, and the theory of photonic, phononic, and platonic crystals, the latter name being chosen by Ross, and he codiscovered anomalous localized resonance. He has published over 300 articles in offered scientific journals, has an h index of 64 and around 17,000 citations on Google Scholar. He is the founding president of the ETOPIM association. The topic will include plasmonic resonances of particles, and the mathematical background to effective medium theories (particularly Bergman-Milton bounds and multipole theories).


Professor Martin Wegener (Institute of Applied Physics and Institute of Nanotechnology, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)

Experiments on Cloaking in Optics, Thermodynamics and Mechanics


Martin Wegener is professor of physics at Institute of Applied Physics at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) and Scientific Director of Institute of Nanotechnology at KIT. He has published more than 300 papers in peer-reviewed journals, with more than 33,000 citations and a Hirsch index of h=86 according to google scholar. Professor Martin Wegener will give an introduction into the field of cloaking using metamaterials, provide an overview, and describe the current state-of-the-art. Apart from mapping spatial coordinate transformations onto material distributions, spatial transformations can alternatively also be mapped onto boundaries, free-form surfaces, or can directly be applied onto discrete lattices. A real invisibility cloak at the class will be demonstrated, see attached photographs.


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