
CNRS-Imperial "Abraham de Moivre" International Research Laboratory

The Abraham de Moivre International Research Laboratory (IRL) -- previously called UMI Abraham de Moivre -- is a joint laboratory between CNRS and Imperial College London, establishing a long-term partnership which serves as a hub for collaborations between the French and UK mathematics communities. The name of the IRL is a tribute to French Mathematician Abraham de Moivre who was instrumental in the development of geometry and probability theory. The scientific span of the  IRL concerns all domains of mathematics and of their interactions with other fields, such as physics, computer science, biology, economics, social sciences. The IRL enhances the ICL-CNRS Fellowships programme by opening new opportunities for Imperial academics to make extended stays in French labs and facilitate the organisation of joint networks, workshops and conferences between France and UK.

UK Acoustics Network

UK Acoustics Network (UKAN) (www.acoustics.ac.uk) is funded by the UK EPSRC and exists to pull together the acoustics community in the UK, across  both industry  and academia, and is uniquely placed to coordinate national activity in acoustics related research.

UKAN has a membership of over 750 (almost half of the members are from industry https://acoustics.ac.uk/directory) and has run over 60 events in the last 20 months, including industry-academia engagement workshops, summer schools for early career researchers, and specialist meetings, amongst much else.



The GdR META (META for Acoustic Metamaterials for Engineering) is a research network affiliated to the French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS). The aim of the GdR is to contribute to the strengthening and enhancement of the scientific cooperation within the French community active in the fields of phononic crystals and acoustic & mechanical metamaterials. By bringing together students, engineers and researchers from academia and industry, the GdR META’s ambition is to help sharing different perspectives on acoustic & mechanical metamaterials in order to produce scientific and technological knowledge, to identify potential industrial issues and to promote the development of acoustic & mechanical metamaterials as both a fundamental and applied research field.

The GdR META was founded in 2016 with the idea to foster interaction between different sub-fields of acoustics. It is built around four interest groups: underwater acoustics, radio-frequency communication systems, airborne acoustics, mechanics & vibro-acoustics. A fifth group is devoted to the identification of prospective applications of emerging directions in acoustic metamaterials, ranging for instance from seismic waves to heat management.


The GdR MecaWave

The GdR MecaWave has been initiated in 2018 and federates research on waves in solids, either in terms of physical acoustics, theoretical mechanics or applied mathematics within the Section 9 of the CNRS. It is organized in 4 working groups:

- effective dynamics of microstructured media (multiple scattering, metamaterials, homogenization, generalized continuous media, etc.),

- nonlinear waves in solids (contact/friction, damage, shock waves),

- mechanical waveguides (trapped modes, open guides, etc.),

- inverse problems (inverse problems, optimization, etc.).

The main action of the GdR MecaWave is to promote scientific exchanges by organizing thematic days and symposiums. For more details, see http://mecawave.cnrs.fr/. 

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